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Cloud Native & Kubernetes Warsaw Regular Meetup at Allegro HQ (29th November)

Cloud Native Warsaw

Nov 29, 2018, 5:00 – 7:00 PM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

What? Kubernetes Warsaw Meetup - 12th edition

Where? Allegro HQ, al. Jana Pawła II 22

When? Thursday, November 29th, 2018 @ 18:00!


18:35 - 19:15 Adam Wallek: "Container security and some of our CNCF projects" - lang: ENG

Kubernetes has become the de-facto standard for deploying container-based and microservices applications. With many security features and capabilities added in the last few versions, it is still not easy to set it up securely, requiring a deep understanding of the interaction between cluster settings, networking, and the workloads running in pods.

In this talk, I will provide an overview of K8s components and their security implications. I will explain the importance of image scanning, RBAC, authentication, admission controllers, networking controls and pod security policies. I will also share several open-source tools that can be used to greatly improve the security posture of your Kubernetes deployments.

19:20 - 19:55 Tomasz Ziarko, Alfred Broda: "Mesos vs k8s at Allegro" - lang: PL

In Allegro for the past 3 years, we use Mesos as a tool to activate applications. After this time we see this project as a success, even a big success. Nevertheless, we see some issues and approaches during Mesos implementation that have become problematic in its maintenance. Now a new/old player is becoming more and more popular in the world. We have checked what interesting Kubernetes can offer and how we can use it in our ecosystem.

Doors open at 18:00, talks start at 18:30, about 22:00 we move on to a pub. There may be plenty of people to discuss Cloud and Kubernetes related questions with!

Please remember to unRSVP if you realize you can't make it - it will help a lot for our crew.

Two weeks before the event, in a private message, everyone who signed up will receive a link to confirm participation. With this link:
one should generate a QRcode, which will allow entrance to the building. The registration order is not relevant, all meetup attendees will receive a code. Please take the QRcode (paper or electronic version) with you for the event, it will speed up the registration process.

And make sure you follow Twitter for any updates and early announcements.


18:00 - 18:30 - Doors open
18:30 - 18:35 - Introduction
18:35 - 19:15 - First Talk
19:15 - 19:20 - Break
19:20 - 19:55 - Second Talk

20:00 - 22:00 - After Party pt. 1 @ Allegro
22:00 - 24:00 - After Party pt. 2 @ Ceść Pub (Grzybowska 2)

Direct contact with organizers: [masked]

See you there!



Thursday, November 29, 2018
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM (UTC)


  • Tomasz Cholewa


    DevOps Architect

  • Piotr Jabłoński

    Isovalent by Cisco

    Customer Success Architect