Meet us in London for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 1 - 4 April

August Meetup

Cloud Native Madison

Aug 8, 2019, 10:30 PM – Aug 9, 2019, 1:00 AM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

This event is sponsored by ARMS Business Solutions.

Agenda -
5:30-6:30: Happy hour (Soda/Beer/Wine), food and networking

6:30-6:40: Group Update, This Month in Cloud Native
We'll briefly share the results of last month's survey and our plans for next month. Then we'll quickly recap interesting Cloud Native news from the last month.

6:40-7:10: First Speaker
Title: GitOps - an evolution of DevOps in Containerization and the Cloud
Speaker: Bryce Frazier
Git, a tool used for version control, is not new. But as technology changes, how we leverage Git has evolved. With cloud and containerized orchestration platforms, we can leverage Git as a DevOps tool for faster time to market, reduction of feature costs, and increase audibility with a new paradigm, called GitOps. In this talk, we'll explore tools and processes where the concepts of development and operations converge, thereby empowering developers to deliver at faster speeds with higher levels of confidence.

7:10-7:30: Break

7:30-7:50: Second Speaker
Title: Cloud-Native App Development applying 12-factor-app concepts using Spring Boot
Speaker: Santanu Mojumder
Start with Basic spring boot rest service development
+ Add Config server (using git/vault) spring profiles
+ Add Auto Refresh of Config without server restart
+ Add Gateway (Zuul or Spring Cloud Gateway) - Security/Routing
+ Add Service Registry (Eureka/Consul) - Ribbon load balancing
+ Add Observability (Sleuth/Zipkin/Jaeger)



August 8 – 9, 2019
10:30 PM – 1:00 AM (UTC)


  • Ryan Etten

    Red Hat

    Senior Architect