Cloud-Native for CxO: Bridging Tech and Business

Cloud Native NoVA

Apr 16, 4:00 – 5:00 PM

Virtual event

About this event

Explore the art of articulating Kubernetes and cloud-native tools' value through the lens of CxO business language, unraveling the golden thread that connects technological prowess to organizational triumph. This talk illuminates the pathway of speaking the language of non-technical stakeholders, ensuring the palpable, transformative value of adopting cloud-native tools is vividly conveyed and universally understood. Gain insights, and practical tips, and engage in dialogues that amplify the symbiotic relationship between technology and business, catalyzing strategic, cross-disciplinary success.


  • Angel Ramirez


    CEO at Cuemby | Founder at FHCN | CNCF Ambassador


  • Matthew Cascio

    American Red Cross

    Governance & Strategy | CNCF Ambassador