CNPDX August: Windocks and Digital Ocean Kubernetes


Aug 15, 2019, 1:00 – 3:00 AM

In-person event

About this event

Join our August meetup, which is all about tools! Hosted by Apptio Cloudability, and sponsored by Windocks.

**1st Preso: Windows SQL Server containers with Kubernetes.**

Windocks is a Seattle-area firm that supports the complete SQL Server product family, with database cloning using Windows VHDs and storage arrays. The session will focus on SQL Server containers and Kubernetes, and on how organizations are modernizing full stack dev/test, as well as how SSRS containers are applied for scalable support for AWS RDS and SQL Azure.

Presented by Ramesh Parameswaran, founder and CEO of Windocks.

**2nd Preso: docc tooling to manage Kubernetes**

docc is the production deployment surface for a large portion of the services that run DigitalOcean. It's an opinionated, simplified wrapper for Kubernetes that allows teams to use Kubernetes without having to all the details of Kubernetes.

Presented by Billie Cleek

Hosted by Apptio Cloudability
Food sponsored by Windocks



Thursday, August 15, 2019
1:00 AM – 3:00 AM UTC


  • Josh Berkus

    Lead Organizer