CNPDX Brown Bag: How To Proxy Your Cluster, a comparative guide

Cloud Native Portland

May 19, 2020, 8:00 – 9:00 PM (UTC)

Virtual event

About this event

This Brown Bag stars Steven Sherotsky of Citrix, who knows all about networking and proxies.


We will explore the pros and cons of four architecture choices for microservices-based application delivery including:

- 2-tier ingress: Simplest to deploy and get started quickly
- Unified ingress: Simple to deploy for networking-savvy platform teams
- Service mesh lite: Service mesh-like benefits with less complexity
- Service mesh: Best observability, security, and traffic steering but complex to deploy

Our evaluation criteria will include simplicity, efficiency, security, scalability, observability, integration with CNCF tools, impact on CI/CD strategy, advanced traffic engineering options, ease of deployment, required skill sets, team structure, and more.


  • Josh Berkus

    Lead Organizer

  • Miranda Carter


    Head of Community