Cloud Native PDX

Cloud Native Portland

Jan 31, 1:00 – 4:00 AM (UTC)

In-person event

Come out and join us to network with local cloud native peers.

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About this event


5:00pm to 5:30pm – Pizza and Networking!

5:45pm - Open Source CI/CD Building Blocks You Already Know How to Write by Jeremy Adams

You need CI that can adapt as fast as the apps you’re writing. But often CI ends up being a bottleneck. For one CI PR you need to learn proprietary YAML syntax (every CI different) and how to work around its limitations conditionals, loops, functions, variables, ...which would be effortless if it was just a real programming language that you already know. You find yourself writing additional scripts and hacks to bring the logic to local dev. Enter the OSS Dagger project that brings CI as code (TypeScript, Go, Python). In this talk, I’ll use Dagger to show how to build and share reusable CI/CD modules that can be written in any language and "just work" together. This talk will be good for developers/platform engineers or anyone else that needs a lightweight, code-based CI platform that can run locally and in any CI. If you’re technically curious, you should be able to build and share a module right after the talk (or maybe during!).

6:15pm - Shorty! An over-built, underwhelming link shortener built on free cloud stuff by Adam Ulvi

As developers we spend a lot of time building and testing locally. We're also famously cheap when it comes to personal projects and rely on the generosity of Big Tech to foot the bill for our little projects. This talk aims to share a solution for building, for free, a pretty crappy link shortener. But the solution overall is pretty cool and complete, from 'git push' to '' we cover each step of the development, test, build, and deployment process. The stack consists of Github Actions, the AWS SAM tools, and the Cloudflare API. So go ahead, throw away the link shortener code and replace it with your own! Get that idea off your head and onto the web! Let's go!

6:45pm to 8:00pm – Networking and Board games!

Want to speak at a future meetup? Fill out the form here


  • Jermey Adams

    Head of Ecosystem

  • Adam Ulvi



Friday, January 31, 2025
1:00 AM – 4:00 AM (UTC)


  • Josh Berkus

    Lead Organizer

  • Miranda Carter


    Head of Community