Cloud Native São Paulo - Meetup #4

Cloud Native São Paulo

Apr 16, 2018, 9:00 PM – Apr 17, 2018, 1:00 AM

In-person event

About this event

Olá Cloud Natives!

Vamos para a edição #4 do nosso Meetup Cloud Native São Paulo, que terá uma programação especial, com a presença de 2 figuras ilustres:

Casey West - Architecture Advocate, Google Cloud Platform at Google.

His career has spanned information security, application platforms, internet infrastructure, enterprise collaboration, ISPs, and design firms.
Thanks to early Open Source contributions every Mac has his name and email address on it. You can follow Casey on Twitter as @caseywest (

Lucia Subatin - Global Developer Evangelist at SAP

A proud geek, Lucía is a Developer Evangelist in the SAP Developer Relations team. Her mission is to bring developers closer to SAP HANA. Her contribution towards the community is based on enabling content and facilitating adoption by exploring and sharing more and better ways to capitalize the power of the platform. You can follow Lucia on Twitter as @LuciaBlick (

Segunda-feira, dia 16 de Abril de 2018 a partir das 18:00.

WeWork Faria Lima - R. Prof. Atílio Innocenti 165 - Vila Nova Conceição São Paulo SP · São Paulo

O RVSP será aberto no dia 4 de Abril às 19:00 horas e fechado no dia 16 de Abril às 16:00 horas.

As vagas são limitadas a 120 participantes e só poderá acessar o prédio quem estiver na lista da portaria. Por isso, pedimos a gentileza de preencher seus dados no formulário a seguir:


18:00-19:00 - Abertura com Cerveja e Pizza!!

19:00-20:00 - Continuous Development on Kubernetes with Skaffold - Casey West - Architecture Advocate, Google Cloud Platform at Google.

Abstract: As a developer I want to test my code in a production-like container runtime environment so that I can have confidence my changes won’t break production.

I want to show you a new, Open Source tool from GCP called Skaffold.
Skaffold helps you easily set up a local developer environment with your
application running in a container on Kubernetes, updated automatically as you code. It’s pretty cool.

20:00-21:00 - Running Enterprise IT on Kubernetes - Lucia Subatin - Global Developer Evangelist at SAP

Abstract: How SAP can run on Kubernetes.

21:00-22:00 - Thinking Strategically About Lock-In - Casey West - Architecture Advocate, Google Cloud Platform at Google.

Abstract: Lock-in is a misunderstood concept. Most of the time it's associated willy-nilly with vendors. Open Source is considered a panacea resolving the lock-in issue once and for all. In extreme cases some believe if they write everything from scratch the problem never surfaces. Unfortunately the opposite is true.

Lock-in is when you choose a bespoke solution, including one you create, and the cost of change exceeds your budget. It’s not about vendors. It's not about Open Source. It's about making careful decisions about the cost of change.

In this talk I'll describe the thought exercises I've used in making architectural decisions around lock-in. You'll learn how to think strategically about the implications of building, buying, or using a component in your architecture. These techniques make software design and planning run more smoothly and help you identify, and possibly eliminate, biases in the process.

22:00 - Encerramento!

O evento será presencial (para até 80 pessoas)

O evento também será transmitido ao vivo pelo Google Hangout

Esperamos por todos!


Organizadores Cloud Native São Paulo



April 16 – 17, 2018
9:00 PM – 1:00 AM UTC


  • Ricardo Pchevuzinske Katz


    Lead Organizer

  • Anderson Duboc

    Google Cloud

    Lead Organizer

  • Carolina Valencia

    Krol Cloud

    Lead Organizer / CNCF Ambassador