A virtual meetup hosted by the CNCF Environmental Sustainability Technical Advisory Group (TAG ENV) as part of the Global Week of Cloud Native Sustainability to address the emerging topic of environmental sustainability in the cloud native industry and open source space. We meet on Zoom see description below!
The CNCF Global Week of Cloud Native Sustainability is an event organized by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) community to address the emerging topic of environmental sustainability in the cloud native industry and open source space. The event aims to engage with the community and IT industry as a whole, get a better understanding of the current environmental sustainability landscape, and promote collaboration and knowledge sharing on the topic.
Virtual Mini Conference is a virtual meetup organized by the CNCF Environmental Sustainability Technical Advisory Group (TAG ENV). It is a 2 and a half hour event with presentations both from the community speakers and TAG ENV maintainers.
We're looking forward to seeing you at the meetup!💚
Thursday, October 12, 2023 3:00 PM – 5:30 PM (UTC)
Welcome and Introduction
We will welcome the meetup attendees and briefly introduce the purpose of the meetup, as well as introduce the TAG ENV team.
TAG ENV Overview
We will provide an overview of the TAG Environmental Sustainability mission and objectives and highlight its recent initiatives. In addition we will share a few words about the importance of environmental sustainability and why YOU should care.
A carbon-aware workload dispatcher in multi-cluster Kubernetes environments by Asser Tantawi and Tayebeh Bahreini
With the surge in demand of computational resources in data centers and their environmental impact, cloud platforms are increasingly emphasizing the need for technologies to reduce carbon emission associated with the high computational energy consumption. Due to the variability in renewable energy availability over time and in the variety of power sources in grid regions, carbon intensity due to electricity generation varies by time and location. Thus, considering these variations could significantly reduce carbon emission. This talk introduces Caspian, a carbon-aware workload dispatcher in multi-cluster Kubernetes environments, which uses the Kube-Stellar platform to distribute workloads among clusters. Caspian includes an optimizer that decides the placement and scheduling of the workloads over geographically distributed data centers based on the carbon intensity and resource availability of clusters. Our experimental analysis shows that Caspian could effectively reduce the carbon emission associated with the computational energy consumption compared to the default scheduler in Kube-Stellar platform.
Container sustainability with kube-green by Eduardo Spotti
In this lightning talk we will discover a way to build more sustainable services with operator help called kube-green and best practices for doing that.
Cloud Provider Sustainability, Current Status and Future Directions by Adrian Cockcroft
Cloud providers are large, growing rapidly, and leading sustainable development of datacenters, although their total capacity is still a small proportion of the global datacenter footprint. In the next few years, all the major cloud vendors expect to reach 100% green energy in all their regions via power purchase agreements, and the local power grids worldwide are rapidly transitioning to green energy, so energy usage (scope 2) will become less material over time. Supply chain carbon footprint (scope 3) is already starting to dominate, as it’s dependent on low carbon buildings, manufacturing processes and delivery mechanisms that are on much longer decarbonization timescales. So far each of the major cloud providers has made different sustainability commitments, over different timescales, with different reporting methodologies and levels of detail. It's messy and confusing, and this talk will explain what is available now, public roadmap statements and commitments that have been made by AWS, Azure and GCP. Turning the problem around, what would a useful common standard look like, and what would developers and tools vendors be able to do with it?
Working Group Updates - Comms
Cara Delia will introduce the Comms Working Group and share its scope and goals.
Working Group Updates - Green Reviews
Niki Manoledaki and Kristina Devochko will introduce the Green Reviews Working Group and share its scope and goals.
TAG ENV Landscape Document walkthrough
Marlow Weston will provide an overview of the TAG ENV landscape document and invite for gathering further feedback and contributions from the attendees.
Closing Remarks
We will provide closing remarks and round up the meetup.