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Virtual Mini Conference Cloud Native Sustainability Week 2024

Cloud Native Sustainability

Oct 8, 2024, 3:00 – 5:30 PM (UTC)

Virtual event

A virtual meetup hosted by the CNCF Environmental Sustainability Technical Advisory Group (TAG ENV) as part of the Global Week of Cloud Native Sustainability to address the emerging topic of environmental sustainability in the cloud native industry and open source space. We meet on Zoom see description below!

About this event

Join the webinar:, Passcode 77777

The CNCF Global Week of Cloud Native Sustainability is an event organized by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) community to address the emerging topic of environmental sustainability in the cloud native industry and open source space. The event aims to engage with the community and IT industry as a whole, get a better understanding of the current environmental sustainability landscape, and promote collaboration and knowledge sharing on the topic.

Virtual Mini Conference is a virtual meetup organized by the CNCF Environmental Sustainability Technical Advisory Group (TAG ENV). It is a 2 and a half hour event with presentations both from the community speakers and TAG ENV maintainers.

More information about Cloud Native Sustainability Week and all activities taking place during the event can be found on the TAG ENV website:

We're looking forward to seeing you at the meetup!💚


  • Alessandro Vozza

    Developer Advocate

  • Nancy Chauhan





Tuesday, October 8, 2024
3:00 PM – 5:30 PM (UTC)


3:00 PMWelcome and Introduction
3:05 PMTAG ENV Overview
3:15 PMAicha Laafia
3:40 PMDavide Bianchi
4:05 PMLighting talks
4:30 PMWorking Group Updates - Comms
4:40 PMWorking Group Updates - Green Reviews
5:00 PMKeynote: Brendan Burns
5:25 PMClosing Remarks


  • Leonard Vincent Simon Pahlke

    BWI GmbH

    CNCF Ambassador | Sustainability TAG Chair

  • Nancy Chauhan



  • Kristina Devochko

    Tietoevry, Public 360° unit

    Principal Cloud Engineer

  • Marlow Weston

    Cloud Native Architect | Sustainability TAG chair

  • Alessandro Vozza


  • Saiyam Pathak

    Loft Labs

    Field CTO