Cloud Native & Docker Combined Meetup

Cloud Native Sydney

Jun 21, 2016, 8:00 – 10:30 AM

In-person event

About this event

**NOTE** We moved the meetup to Tues 21st June for 2 reasons: 1) It clashed with the Continuous Delivery meetup, and 2) To combine it with the Docker meetup. 

Welcome to the Sydney Cloud Native Meetup!

We have decided to combine this with the Docker meetup this month as an experiment. I'd be curious  on your feedback on this. 

We are in a new venue @ Pivotal Labs Sydney. We will try something other than Pizza this time. Ping me if you have any ideas. We look forward to seeing you there. 

Program : 

• 6.00PM : Drinks, Food & Networking.. 

• 6.30PM: Talks

Talk 1:

Poor man's service discovery

Deep dive into a specific solution. 

How are the properties that we are looking for guaranteed by the system? 

How can we enrich the solution while retaining the properties that we want? 

364 days 

By Peter Ericson, Independent Senior DevOps Contractor @ Commnonwealth Bank

Talk 2:

Cloud Native Microservices with Spring Cloud

In this talk we are going to discuss some of the key components of Spring Cloud. This includes the Netflix OSS integrations for Spring Boot apps which include Service Discovery (Eureka), Circuit Breaker (Hystrix), Intelligent Routing (Zuul) and Client Side Load Balancing (Ribbon). We will also touch on the Spring Cloud centralised configuration server and deploy these apps to Cloud Foundry. 

Conor Svensson - Co-founder & CTO at Huffle

Talk 3:

Continuous Delivery at  AgriWebb

With many years of experience running DevOps in IBM Australia’s development lab, the developers wanted to avoid managing machines, even EC2 instances. The solution uses CodeShip, AWS Elastic Beanstalk and Docker, making developer setup a breeze, mimic production and to enable quick continuous delivery and deployment.

In this talk, you will learn about the design and the hurdles we had to overcome to get this running in an Australian AWS region. You’ll also learn about how we’re evolving our architecture and pipeline - including where we see AWS Lambda fitting in.

Kogulan Basakaran - Software Engineer at AgriWebb

Hope to see you there! 



Tuesday, June 21, 2016
8:00 AM – 10:30 AM UTC


  • Matthew Flannery

    CTO / CISO

  • Sharlene Tee

    Octopus Deploy

  • Brendon Thwaites

    ZeroQ Consulting

    Ecosystem Orchestrator

  • Brad McCoy

    Kubernetes 1.28 Comms Lead

    Keptn, Kepler Maintainer | Chapter Advisor