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CNCF Live Webinar: Kubernetes 1.21 Release

CNCF Online Programs

May 20, 2021, 3:00 – 4:00 PM (UTC)

Virtual event

Kubernetes 1.21 release is scheduled for April 8, 2021. Like previous releases, we do a release webinar with release team lead and enhancement lead. The leads take the audience through the changes in the release and new features that have been introduced. They also do a SIG-wise walkthrough about any noteworthy progress the particular SIG has made.

About this event

Kubernetes 1.21 release is scheduled for April 8, 2021. Like previous releases, we do a release webinar with release team lead and enhancement lead. The leads take the audience through the changes in the release and new features that have been introduced. They also do a SIG-wise walkthrough about any noteworthy progress the particular SIG has made.


  • Nabarun Pal

    Kubernetes 1.21 Release Team

    Release Team Lead

  • Anna Jung

    Kubernetes 1.21 Release Team

    Enhancement Lead


  • Divya Mohan

    Kubernetes 1.21 Release Team

    Communications Lead