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CNCF On-Demand Webinar: Autoscaling event driven applications with Fission & Keda

CNCF Online Programs

Jun 17, 2021, 7:00 AM – Jun 24, 2021, 6:59 AM (UTC)

Virtual event

Building event-driven applications that scale up & down based on demand and with minimal code for plumbing together event sources is a developer's dream come true. In this webinar, we will build such an application with Fission and Keda where the components scale up and down based on demand, and we write minimal code needed for processing those events.

About this event

Building event-driven applications that scale up & down based on demand and with minimal code for plumbing together event sources is a developer's dream come true. In this webinar, we will build such an application with Fission and Keda where the components scale up and down based on demand, and we write minimal code needed for processing those events.


  • Vishal Biyani

    InfraCloud Technologies


  • Gaurav Gahlot


    Developer Advocate