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CNCF On demand webinar: Building a dynamic IDP - A reference architecture for AWS-focused setups

CNCF Online Programs

May 11, 2023, 7:00 AM – May 12, 2023, 7:00 AM (UTC)

Virtual event

About this event

The software development era has transformed how businesses build, deploy, and manage their applications. To stay ahead, they need to transform their static setups into a modern Internal Developer Platform (IDP) that empowers developers to innovate and move quickly. In this session, Kaspar will walk you through the architectural components of a modern dynamic IDP based on real-world experiences.

During this session you will learn:

- How to design and implement a scalable IDP using interchangeable tools such as AWS EKS, RDS, Backstage, Humanitec, GitHub Actions, ArgoCD, and Terraform.

- Best practices for creating a dynamic IDP that enables developer self-service and reduces the burden on operations teams.

- How to overcome common challenges such as low levels of productivity and innovation, missing self-service, cognitive developer load, and lack of standardization through the adoption of a modern IDP.


  • Kaspar von Grünberg

