Meet us in London for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 1 - 4 April

Application Networking Day: service mesh and more.

Cloud Native Dallas

Jun 1, 2023, 2:30 PM – Jun 2, 2023, 12:00 AM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

Start with equal parts API gateway, Kubernetes ingress and service mesh, then throw in security, observability, and multi-tenancy. The world of application networking is changing fast. Join us to learn about how Solo’s Gloo Platform (Built on Istio, Ambient, Cilium, and eBPF) deployed in your AWS environment can easily be used together to address some of your greatest business challenges.

This event includes one full day of practical and technical sessions presented by industry leaders and end users from across the cloud native ecosystem, demonstrating real-world outcomes saving organizations time and money. Those sessions are followed by live, hands-on workshops so you can try out the technologies as you learn their value.

Please, RSVP at



June 1 – 2, 2023
2:30 PM – 12:00 AM (UTC)


2:30 PMWelcome
2:45 PMKeynote: The Future of Application Networking
3:15 PMEvolution of Service Mesh
4:00 PMCoffee break
4:15 PMSecure, Scale, Simplify and Save with Gloo Platform
5:05 PMAWS session
5:40 PMLunch
6:30 PMWorkshop: Introduction to Application Networking with Gloo Platform
7:45 PMCoffee break
8:00 PMWorkshop: Get Started with Istio Ambient Mesh
9:15 PMClosing remarks
10:00 PMDallas Kubernetes Meetup Networking Reception


  • Mars Toktonaliev

    Lead Organizer

  • Bryan Landes

    Amazon Web Services

    Lead Organizer

  • Aly Ibrahim

    Red Hat

    Solutions Architect

  • Damian Igbe

    Cloud Technology Experts

    Lead Organizer

  • Venkata Santosh Hemanth Alla


    Sr. Solutions Architect