First DevOps Bergen Meetup

Cloud Native Bergen

Jun 8, 2017, 4:00 – 7:00 PM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

Welcome to the first DevOps Bergen Meetup!  

NB! Presentations start at 18:00, pizza will be served from 17:30.

• Pizza 🍕 and drinks 🍺 for everyone!

• Hans Kristian Flaatten (Senior Consultant at EVRY) will be talking about their experience rolling out containers in production with Kubernetes and organizing developers and operators around this platform.

• Tom Solem (Chief Consultant at EVRY) will be talking about their experience of using Visual Studio Team Services as a toolbox for source control and automated test, build and deploy.

• David Karlsen (Chief-architect, Financial Services at EVRY) will be talking about how they have implemented DevOps and Automation in the strictly regulated field of financial services.

If you are interested in talking about something cool you do in the fututre just drop us a note 🚀😄



Thursday, June 8, 2017
4:00 PM – 7:00 PM (UTC)


  • Hans Kristian Flaatten

    Norweigan Labor and Welfare Administration (NAV)

    Platform Engineer at NAV

  • Anders Runningen

    Sparebanken Vest

    Platform Engineer

  • Bjørge Solli

    Tietoevry Create

    Director Solution Consultant

  • Øyvind Randa

    NextGenTel AS

    Software Architect