Building Kubernetes as a Service & Building a K8s Powered Go Modules Repository


Feb 19, 2019, 5:30 – 8:30 PM

In-person event

About this event

Hi Kubernauts,

Our next Meetup in Amsterdam will take place on 19th February @TRUE.

6:30pm - Admission
7:00 pm - Alexander Charykov
7:30 pm - Leon Stigter
8:00 pm - Food, drinks & networking


Alexander Charykov, Innovation engineer @ True

'Building Kubernetes as a Service'

In this talk Alexander will discuss how to run Kubernetes at a hosting provider: What problems you need to solve to build awesome Kubernetes platform. Topics covered during this presentation:

- Rancher/kubespray or manual installation
- Services should be provided by KaaS
- Control plane inside or outside of cluster
- monitoring multiple clusters with prometheus

About Alexander:
Alexander Charykov is an innovation engineer at True who works on building True's Kubernetes platform. Prior to True he was working as a DevOps Engineer at Mirantis where he built Fuel Infrastructure for CI. He has operational experience on different cloud platforms - OpenStack, GCE and AWS. His passions are new technologies, cloud platforms, automation and DevOps. His favourite programming language is Python and he is he also interested in Go and Rust.


Leon Stigter, JFrog

"Building a Kubernetes Powered Central Go Modules Repository"

Today, Kubernetes is the defacto standard if you want to run container workloads in a production environment. As we set out to build our next generation of products, and run them smoothly in the cloud, we needed to move to Kubernetes too! In the process of building tools like KubeXray and GoCenter we learned a whole bunch. Join this talk to learn how to get started with Kubernetes and how we got started at JFrog building our new tools. After the session you will know:
- How we got to Kubernetes (and why we chose it)
- How to know what you have in your apps and containers (and how we built ours)
- How we’re running GoCenter at scale.

About Leon:
Leon is a Developer Advocate at JFrog where his focus is on helping developers get the most out of their DevOps tools with the end goal of enabling those developers to achieve the Liquid Software vision. As an outspoken supporter of developers Leon advocates for the needs of developers within JFrog and helps to drive open source tooling and Developer Relations strategy.
Leon is passionate about serverless and container technologies and enjoys writing code and speaking and blogging about that. In his personal life, he’s on a mission to taste cheesecake in every city he visits (suggestions are welcome @LeonStigter).


Looking forward to meet you.



Tuesday, February 19, 2019
5:30 PM – 8:30 PM UTC


  • Alessandro Vozza

    Lead Organizer

  • William Rizzo


    Lead Architect - Professional Services