Cloud Native at Oracle

Cloud Native Amsterdam

Jul 25, 2019, 4:00 – 7:00 PM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

Oracle is growing fast in the cloud native space and they're damn serious about helping our community; hence they reached out to host our last meetup before the summer holidays in their great office in Utrecht. We got two great speakers, one very well known to the community and a second one flying in from Italy just for the occasion. Looking forward to it!


18.00: Open doors

18:30: Dinner

19:00: Taco Scargo (Mesosphere) - Kommander, Konvoy & Kudo, managing Kubernetes at scale, while starting small.

19.45: Break

20:00 Andrea Morena (Oracle) - Cloud Native Strategy, Container Native Platform, Java Microservices and Serverless-FaaS open source frameworks.

Andrea Morena - Chief Solutions Engineer @Oracle
Andrea Morena is a very experienced professional in IT with a wealth of knowledge and experience across a broad range of IT domains. Over the last 6 years, he has been focusing on DevOps, Cloud Native and Containers-Kubernetes working as Solutions Architect with platforms such as Red Hat Openshift, Huawei PaaS and Oracle Container Native Platform.
Currently, He is Chief Solutions Engineer at Oracle EMEA Technology for Cloud Native.

20.45: Lighting talks, drinks, mingling

Deniz Zoeteman - From starting a test cluster to hours of production downtime: a failure story [lightning talk]

Starting a test cluster seems innocuous; but without proper review and automation, it can still lead to destructive errors. This is a story of how we ended up with hours of downtime during KubeCon, the help we got and the importance of validating configuration.

Deniz Zoeteman - Developer @SAA Verzekeringen
Deniz Zoeteman is a developer at SAA Verzekeringen (insurance service provider), working on backoffice applications for the company. Having migrated the company from on-premise VMs to Kubernetes in the cloud, Deniz spends a lot of his days now more as a DevOps Engineer, working on Kubernetes clusters, internal tooling and recently started contributing to Kubernetes.

21:15 close doors



Thursday, July 25, 2019
4:00 PM – 7:00 PM (UTC)


  • Alessandro Vozza

    Lead Organizer

  • William Rizzo


    Consulting Architect

  • Matteo Bianchi


    Cloud Native Advocate