Meet us in London for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 1 - 4 April

Dutch Kubernetes Meetup goes to Utrecht: Creative Valley and nexxbiz hosting

Cloud Native Amsterdam

Feb 19, 2020, 5:30 – 8:30 PM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

We are all about diversity and inclusion at the Dutch Kubernetes Meetup, and after many events in Amsterdam, we are coming to a more central location in The Netherlands for another of our monthly meeting (and about a month before Kubecon!).

We are hosted by nexxbiz ( this time, the beautiful Creative Valley ( right in front of Utrecht CS. We will have two talks from Omid Tansaz (nexxbiz) and Jörg Schad (ArangoDB).

# Agenda

6.30pm Opening & Dinner
7:00pm Introduction to Creative Valley and nexxbiz
7:15pm Omid & Ramon - Unleashing AI power to continuously secure container applications
8:00pm Break
8:15pm Jörg Schad&Ewout Prangsma - Challenges in Building Multi-Cloud-Provider Platform With Managed Kubernetes
9:00pm Mingling and chilling until..
9.30pm Ending

If you'd like to take the stage for a short question of lighting talk feel free to contact us.

# Talks

## Unleashing AI power to continuously secure container applications

Having built many business critical process automation solutions for Insurance & Healthcare partners (profoundly security- and compliance-driven), Omid will share some of the critical security challenges that come by today's complex, flexible, and almost borderless IT landscapes.
Omid and Ramon will then showcase some of the many security measures utilized by nexxbiz to mitigate these challenges and risks. During this presentation, a simulated network attack on Kubernetes is used to explain some of the AI-driven features capable of detecting and preventing these types of attacks.

## Challenges in Building Multi-Cloud-Provider Platform With Managed

Building a cloud-agnostic platform used to be a challenging task as one had to deal with a large number of different cloud APIs and service offerings. Today, as most Cloud providers are offering a managed Kubernetes solution (e.g., GKE, AKS, or EKS), it seems like developers could simply build a platform based on Kubernetes and be cloud-agnostic. While this assumption is mostly correct, there are still a number of differences and pitfalls when deploying across those managed Kubernetes solutions.
This talk discusses the experiences made while building the ArangoDB Managed Service offering across and GKE, AKS, or EKS.
While the (managed) Kubernetes API being a great abstraction from the actual cloud provider, a number of challenges remain including for example networking, autoscaler, cluster provisioning, or node sizing. This talk provides an overview of those challenges and also discuss how they were solved as part the ArangoDB managed Service.

# Speakers

Omid Tansaz is one of nexxbiz platform architects. Omid and his nexxbiz teams encourage and support their partners to utilize the maximum potential of new & emerging technologies for their business challenges while maintaining control and minimizing various adoption risks.

Ramon De Boer is a Cloud Security Specialist at Palo Alto Networks responsible for gathering customer technical requirements, creating evaluation test plans with customers as well as designing security solutions.

Jörg Schad is Head of Engineering and Machine Learning at ArangoDB. In a previous life, he has worked on or built machine learning pipelines in healthcare, distributed systems at Mesosphere, and in-memory databases.

Ewout Prangsma is the main architect and team-lead of ArangoDB Oasis. He is an all-round senior software developer / entrepreneur who loves to solve complex technical problems to make life easier for real end users.

# Code of Conduct

As part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation meetup network, we have to oblige to the CNCF/Kubecon/Kubernetes Community Day code of conduct. By attending you are implicitly adhering to

# Workshop

We are hosting a Kubernetes 101 workshop right before with limited capacity. Sign up here:



Wednesday, February 19, 2020
5:30 PM – 8:30 PM (UTC)


  • Alessandro Vozza

    Lead Organizer

  • William Rizzo


    Consulting Architect

  • Matteo Bianchi


    Solutions Engineer