Free Kubernetes 101 Workshop hosted by nexxbiz/Creative Valley (Utrecht)

Cloud Native Amsterdam

Feb 19, 2020, 2:00 – 5:00 PM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

We listened to your requests for an introduction to Kubernetes and we found the perfect venue and the perfect time: before our February Meetup hosted in the beautiful (and conveniently located) Creative Valley at Utrecht Central Station (, together with nexxbiz (

The workshop will be free (as in Kubernetes!), we will cover the basics of what it is container orchestration and we will deploy a simple application together to learn (or reinforce) the Kubernetes essentials; don't expect anything too deep but 3 hours should suffice to have a bare minimum knowledge to get started with Kubernetes in the public cloud or on a single developer workstation.

The workshop will be delivered by Alessandro Vozza, CNCF Ambassador and Linux Foundation Certified trainer for Kubernetes.

Please make sure your RSVP reflects your attendance as space is limited.


3:00 pm Introduction to Creative Valley and nexxbiz
3.20 pm Kubernetes 101
6:00 pm End of workshop, table and chair re-arranging
6.30 pm Dutch Kubernetes Meetup with talks from Omid Tansaz (nexxbiz) and Jörg Schad (ArangoDB)

#Code of Conduct

As part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation meetup network, we have to oblige to the CNCF/Kubecon/Kubernetes Community Day code of conduct. By attending you are implicitly adhering to



Wednesday, February 19, 2020
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM (UTC)


  • Alessandro Vozza

    Lead Organizer

  • William Rizzo


    Consulting Architect

  • Matteo Bianchi


    Cloud Native Advocate