Hi Kubernauts,
Our friends from Google and CoreOS have an upcoming event. Please register here: https://cloudplatformonline.com/emea-coreos-event-series.html
1:30PM - 2:00PM Registration
2:00PM - 2:15PM Welcome & Agenda
Jens Bussmann, Cloud Platform Lead, NACE, Google
2:15PM - 3:15PM Google on Containers, Borg & Kubernetes
Google is using Containers in production for more than a decade. This talk gives an intro into containers, Kubernetes and what the similarities and differences between Google’s container stack and Kubernetes are.
Matt Feigal & Nacho Coloma, Cloud Platform Solution Engineers, Google
3:15PM - 3:30PM Coffee Break
3:30PM - 4:30PM CoreOS onCoreOS Linux and Tectonic Trusted Computing
CoreOS Linux is a new Linux distribution designed specifically for running application containers at scale. It leverages atomic, automatic updates to ensure that software is seamlessly kept up to date. Tectonic is a platform built on top of CoreOS and Kubernetes to provide the most secure way to run containers in production. This talk will detail some of the major components of the Tectonic platform - including CoreOS Linux, etcd, rkt, and Kubernetes.
Rob Szumski, Experience Designer, CoreOS
4:30PM - 5:30PM Real-life example of how to implement a container-based microservices architecture
Our partners Xebia and Endocode will walk you through a real-life example of a customer that modernized their application using a microservices architecture, container technology and CoreOS. Outlining the steps taken and how they can help you modernize your application stack along those proven and standardized processes, too.
Benny Cornelissen, IT Architect, Xebia Netherlands
Mirko Boehm, CEO & Founder, Endocode AG
5:30PM - 6:00PM Wrap-Up, Discussion & Networking
Monday, March 14, 2016
12:30 PM – 3:30 PM UTC