Hey everyone!
Join us for the first meetup after the holidays at Sanoma / NU.nl. This meetup is organized together with N-Able Cloud consultancy & training.
Remember to only RSVP if you're actually going to show up.
* 18.00 - Doors open with some food and drinks
* 18.55 - Welcome by Kristiaan van Drie (Head of IT News & Pure Digital at Sanoma)
*[masked] - "Why is Sanoma using Kubernetes, experiences and lessons learned" by Tibo Beijen (DevOps guy/Lead developer/Agile architect at NU.nl)
* 19.45 Break
*[masked] - "Shattering worlds in a good way, from Docker to Kubernetes within an international leads company" by Ruben Visser (Cloud Native & Kubernetes Trainer, DevOps Architect at N-Able Cloud Consultancy en Training)
* 21.00 Drinks & community meet
The last few meetups we've been asking the community to share their kubernetes failure stories with the group. If you have a story to share (lightning talk format), please reach out to the organisers on the kubernetes slack #nl-users.
Speaker bio's:
Tibo Beijen - DevOps guy, Lead developer, Agile architect @NU.nl
Tibo Beijen is an IT professional with over 15 years of experience, having worked in both small and large(ish) companies. Since the NU.nl infrastructure has moved to AWS about 5 years ago, his focus has shifted to all that can be considered 'DevOps'. Since 2 years he has been using Kubernetes, being both inspired by the possibilities it offers, and amazed by the speed at which it progresses.
Ruben Visser - Cloud Native trainer & devops architect @ N-Able
Having been an IT: Consultant, Developer, Engineer and Entrepreneur for 25 year Ruben has seen and done a lot. In his last venture he build, sold and managed an autonomous, self sustaining container network solution for 6 years. Until he learned about Kubernetes. Jumping ship he started N-Able, where he now teaches and speaks about Kubernetes, Cloud Native and consults clients in introducing and using Kubernetes for their company IT and Services.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
4:00 PM – 7:00 PM (UTC)