Meetup at sanoma

Cloud Native Amsterdam

Sep 5, 2019, 4:00 – 7:00 PM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

Hey everyone!

Join us for the first meetup after the holidays at Sanoma / This meetup is organized together with N-Able Cloud consultancy & training.

Remember to only RSVP if you're actually going to show up.


* 18.00 - Doors open with some food and drinks
* 18.55 - Welcome by Kristiaan van Drie (Head of IT News & Pure Digital at Sanoma)
*[masked] - "Why is Sanoma using Kubernetes, experiences and lessons learned" by Tibo Beijen (DevOps guy/Lead developer/Agile architect at
* 19.45 Break
*[masked] - "Shattering worlds in a good way, from Docker to Kubernetes within an international leads company" by Ruben Visser (Cloud Native & Kubernetes Trainer, DevOps Architect at N-Able Cloud Consultancy en Training)
* 21.00 Drinks & community meet

The last few meetups we've been asking the community to share their kubernetes failure stories with the group. If you have a story to share (lightning talk format), please reach out to the organisers on the kubernetes slack #nl-users.

Speaker bio's:

Tibo Beijen - DevOps guy, Lead developer, Agile architect
Tibo Beijen is an IT professional with over 15 years of experience, having worked in both small and large(ish) companies. Since the infrastructure has moved to AWS about 5 years ago, his focus has shifted to all that can be considered 'DevOps'. Since 2 years he has been using Kubernetes, being both inspired by the possibilities it offers, and amazed by the speed at which it progresses.

Ruben Visser - Cloud Native trainer & devops architect @ N-Able
Having been an IT: Consultant, Developer, Engineer and Entrepreneur for 25 year Ruben has seen and done a lot. In his last venture he build, sold and managed an autonomous, self sustaining container network solution for 6 years. Until he learned about Kubernetes. Jumping ship he started N-Able, where he now teaches and speaks about Kubernetes, Cloud Native and consults clients in introducing and using Kubernetes for their company IT and Services.



Thursday, September 5, 2019
4:00 PM – 7:00 PM (UTC)


  • Alessandro Vozza

    Lead Organizer

  • William Rizzo


    Consulting Architect

  • Matteo Bianchi


    Cloud Native Advocate