Wercker & Openstack - Running Kubernetes on Openstack & How to deploy your Apps


May 25, 2016, 4:00 – 7:00 PM

In-person event

About this event


We are excited to announce the next meetup.  We hope you all can make it.

6:00 - 6:30 - Social /Drinks and Pizza

6:30 - 7:15 - Continuous Delivery, Kubernetes and You - Micha Hernandez van Leuffen (CEO, wercker)

As software becomes more and more complex, we, as software developers, have been splitting up our code into smaller and smaller components. This is also true for the environment in which we run our code: going from bare metal, to VMs to the modern-day Cloud Native world of containers, schedulers and microservices.

While we have figured out how to run containerized applications in the cloud using schedulers such as Kubernetes, we've yet to come up with a good solution to bridge the gap between getting your containers from your laptop to the cloud.

How do we build software for containers? How do we ship containers? How do we do all of it without shooting ourselves in the foot?

In this talk, we'll explore how current delivery systems are falling behind, and how we need to change the mental model, create new best-practices and treat containers as a first-class citizen. We'll be showcasing how we think about continuous delivery at Wercker in combination with Kubernetes, in this new Cloud Native paradigm.

Micha “mies” Hernandez van Leuffen is a hacker entrepreneur, and the founder and CEO of wercker, where he’s building the next generation of developer automation for the Modern Cloud.

7:15 - 8:00 - Openstack Kubernetes Inception -Alessandro Vozza

Kubernetes and Openstack are complimentary technologies, and I'll show you how we run our production cluster for a beta product we launched (http://easywp.com) at Namecheap in Openstack. To give you a taste of what's to come, we'll discuss how to run your Openstack control plane in Kubernetes, for a self-healing, scalable infrastructure that feels just like magic.

Alessandro is a chemist-turned-geek that loves meeting people more that the tiny little green characters scrolling down a terminal; he also hates talking about himself in third person :)

See you there




Wednesday, May 25, 2016
4:00 PM – 7:00 PM UTC


  • Alessandro Vozza


    Lead Organizer

  • William Rizzo


    Lead Architect - Professional Services