Meet us in London for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 1 - 4 April

September 2023 - The future of open source, and building multi-cluster platforms

Cloud Native Edinburgh

Sep 13, 2023, 5:00 – 8:00 PM (UTC)

In-person event

September's CNKEDI is all set to be a legendary one, with special guests Amanda Brock from OpenUK and Paula Kennedy & Derik Evangelista from Syntasso.

About this event


6:00pm - Food and drink, networking

6:30pm - What is open source, why it matters and what’s the future - from the Open Source Definition to HashiCorp’s licence change (Amanda Brock)

7:00pm - Break

7:30pm - Building Your Internal Platform Product on Multi-Cluster Kubernetes (Paula Kennedy & Derik Evangelista)

8:15pm - Wrap up, social

Talk Details

· What is open source, why it matters and what’s the future - from the Open Source Definition to HashiCorp’s licence change (Amanda Brock)

· Building Your Internal Platform Product on Multi-Cluster Kubernetes (Paula Kennedy & Derik Evangelista)

Platform engineering as a practice is growing in popularity and many patterns and challenges are emerging. Buzzwords abound, such as developer experience, golden paths, cognitive load, which can lead to confusion for platform teams to understand how they should be building and managing their internal platform.

In this talk, Paula and Derik will describe some of these challenges and then take a deep dive into how to use open-source technologies to create a platform that manages this complexity. They'll look at creating a bespoke API and mapping this high-level API to low-level resources across Kubernetes clusters.The talk will include a demo of Kratix, an open-source framework for delivering Platform-as-a-product.

Paula is Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of Syntasso; her previous roles include Senior Director at VMware and Pivotal, and Co-Founder & Chief Operating Officer of CloudCredo. Working in the IT industry for over 20 years, Paula is passionate about community, diversity and inclusion, and is part of the organising committee for Kubernetes Community Days UK, DevOps Days London, and the London Platform User Group.

Derik is a Principal Engineer currently working at Syntasso to enable platform teams to build secure, scalable and usable platforms. In the past few years, Derik spent copious amounts of time fine tuning pipelines, services APIs, and managing engineering teams. Outside of work, you can probably find Derik running somewhere in the world.


  • Paula Kennedy


    Founder & Chief Operating Officer



Wednesday, September 13, 2023
5:00 PM – 8:00 PM (UTC)


  • Nick Jones


    Head of Engineering

  • Adrian Mouat


    Developer Relations


  • Nick Jones


    Consulting Engineer

  • Matt Jarvis


    Senior Developer Advocate

  • Adrian Mouat


    Chief Scientist

  • Danny Abukalam



  • Alex Ouzounis


    Executive Director