Join us for a meetup themed around #devops and platform engineering
We have an international track and welcome Kris Buytaert to Gothenburg! Recorded Future stands host when we open the doors for you all to join us for exciting talks and interesting conversations.
17:30 doors open, food and drinks
18:00 introduction and sponsor welcome
18:10 Building Your First Platform Team in a Fast Growing Startup with Jessica Andersson
18:50 break
19:00 Looking back at 15 years of #devops, container edition with Kris Buytaert
19:40 until late hangout and chat
Platform Engineering is all about improving developer experience. It’s about accelerating and empowering developers to deliver more product value faster over time. Which makes it the perfect investment for a fast growing startup! But where do you start? And what tradeoffs do you need to make? How do you get developers to embrace the paved road?
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
3:30 PM – 7:00 PM UTC