Meet us in London for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 1 - 4 April

6. CNCF Meetup Graz: November 23. 2022

Cloud Native Graz

Nov 23, 2022, 4:00 – 8:00 PM (UTC)

Hybrid event

Sixth and last in-person + online event of 2022!

About this event

Hello and welcome everybody to the sixth and last event of 2022!

Again it's all about getting together and networking.

The hosts will open the event with a short welcome announcement and administrative points and a little recap and teaser, then we'll have 2 live talks.

Afterwards we will close the event together with an open-end get-together session.

There will be drinks, snacks and some pretty great folks! :D

Disclaimer: the talks will be delivered in german!

Talk #1: Andreas Grabner & Thomas Schütz

Fresh from Detroit to Graz!

Andreas is a DevOps activist at Dynatrace. He has over 20 years of experience as a software developer, tester and architect, and is an advocate for high-performing cloud operations. As a champion of DevOps initiatives, Andreas is dedicated to helping developers, testers and operations teams become more efficient in their jobs with Dynatrace’s software intelligence platform.

Thomas is a Principal Engineer at Dynatrace and Tech Lead at the CNCF TAG APP Delivery with a very extensive interest in container technologies. He has been designing, building, and operating IT-infrastructures for about two decades and currently focuses on infrastructure automation and cloud-native application delivery mechanisms.

Keptn 1.0, SLOs and Beyond: Sailing into the Future

The CNCF Project Keptn, started in 2019, has reached CNCF incubation status this summer. The community adopted it mainly for its SLOs (Service Level Objective) capabilities as well as the open standard to integrate with other tools to automate DevOps & SRE workflows. The goal was to keep you systems stable after a deployment or when something bad happens in production.

In this meetup you will first hear from Andreas Grabner on what SLOS are, how Keptn implements them and how Keptn users around the world adopted them.

After that you hear from Thomas Schuetz where Keptn is sailing next. Thomas will introduce you to Keptn Lifecycle Controller which we introduced to the world at KubeCon 2022 in Detroit. The Lifecycle Controller brings cloud-native pre- & post-deployment tasks & evaluations to all of your Kubernetes deployments by simply using k8s primitives.

Talk #2: Klaus Kämpf

Klaus is a senior project manager and product owner at Rancher, currently working on CAPI improvements, Epinio, Kubewarden, and Elemental.
Klaus holds an M.Sc. in informatics from RWTH Aachen and joined SUSE at the end of the last millenium.
His interests are systems management and agile principles in software development.
He is a long-term contributor to open source, you can find his work on github and gitlab.

In bad weather, Klaus enjoys hacking old computers. Otherwise you'll find him outside cycling, hiking, and climbing.

Using Kubernetes to manage your operating system

Elemental is a new solution offering by Rancher to bring operating systems management to Kubernetes.
This talk will take a look under the hood of Elemental and show how it's possible to install, update, and maintain an operating system as a Kubernetes resource.


  • Andreas Grabner

    Dynatrace | Keptn

    DevOps Activist

  • Thomas Schuetz

    Principal Cloud Architect

  • Klaus Kämpf


    Senior Project Manager and Product Owner



Wednesday, November 23, 2022
4:00 PM – 8:00 PM (UTC)


Andreas Grabner & Thomas Schütz
Klaus Kämpf
official end and get-together


  • Daniel Drack

    FullStackS GmbH

    Senior DevOps Engineer


  • Daniel Drack

    FullStackS GmbH


  • Michael Klug


  • Sandra Schadenbauer



  • Kevin Schmid

    PDi Digital


  • Martin Konrad


  • Roland Urbano

    NTS Netzwerk Telekom Service AG

    System Engineer


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