Moin Moin!
Let’s reboot the Cloud Native Meetup in Hamburg! After more than two years of mostly virtual meetups, we’re back to meeting in person. With new co-organizers and together with the CNCF, we’re excited to host recurring, vendor-neutral meetups that are driven by the community.
Menu:The friendly people of Moia will host us and sponsor beverages and pizza. We will have enough time to socialize.
We hope to see you all in attendance and have a nice revive of the cloud-native meetup culture in Hamburg!
Main Course Ingredients:
External Secrets Operator |
Moritz and Lucas are both maintainers of External Secrets Operator, they will share the origin story about the project and how it helps businesses to keep their secrets safe.
A Unified Infrastructure Automation with GitOps and Crossplane
Hossein, Lead Platform Engineer at Liquid Reply, will present a concept for GitOps and Crossplane as foundation for an Internal Developer Platform (IDP) in a multi-cloud scenario, which is otherwise hard to manage.
CNCF Newsflash
Whats going on in the OSS CNCF world around kubernetes? Niklas will give you a short update about the latest and greatest developments.
Get in touch with us by messaging the group on the CNCF Slack in the #cloud-native-hamburg channel or talk to one of the organizers in person
Check in to the event over the meetup group:
Red Hat
Liquid Reply
Lead Platform Engineer
Thursday, March 16, 2023
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM UTC
Liquid Reply
Kubernetes 1.26 Release Team Lead
finleap connect GmbH