Getting Started With Mirantis K0S.


Jan 26, 2021, 5:30 โ€“ 6:30 AM

Virtual event

About this event

Now by this time you already must have started making comparisons of k0s with k3s which is a CNCF sandbox project & a CNCF certified kubernetes distribution. In this webinar we invest our time and energy to learn and explore, what k0s has to offer, its vision, a demo, and then a comparison with k3s. We'll look at how: 

  • K0S project internally structure?
  • Understanding the story of ZERO behind the name?
  • When to Use but most importantly why to Use?  
  • How it is different form upstream k8s? 
  • I want to try this out I need to know how to install this, configure this and use this?
  • How it's component's are organized?
  • Do its support MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, etcd or dqlite as its primary backend data stores?
  • Is it for Cloud, Edge devices, IOT or just simply here to inspire me in my laptop?
  • How networking is configured?
  • Some pointers where to go next and learn more about it?
  • Where do you look for the future of this project?
  • If you still confused by the intent of this project? Send your questions here We'll select the top 10 question which will feature in the webinar.

We're really thankful for JUSSI NUMMELIN of MIRANTIS KOS TEAM for spending his time and sharing his knowledge with community. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

โœ๏ธ He wrote blogs here:

๐Ÿค Get in touch with him he always share great thinks here:

๐Ÿค Get in touch with him on all thinks K0S:

Connect with us for future webinars: Cloud Native Islamabad



If you like to share your Cloud Native knowledge with our community: 

we would love to connect:


Hope you've had a great time with us, Stay ๐Ÿ˜ท and Stay ๐Ÿ’ช


  • Jussi Nummelin


    Senior Principal Engineer


  • Saim Safdar

    Cloud Native Islamabad

    Community Manager



Tuesday, January 26, 2021
5:30 AM โ€“ 6:30 AM UTC


Kick Off
Q & A


  • Saim Safder

    Co-Founder Cloud Native Islamabad