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Kubefirst (Hands-On Intro) deploy a new Kubernetes cluster in minutes, [Workshop]

Cloud Native Islamabad

Jun 15, 2023, 3:00 – 4:00 PM (UTC)

Virtual event

About this event

Ever hear someone say that Kubernetes is not complicated? It makes Frédéric Harper’s, Principal Developer Advocate at Kubefirst, head spin every time! Getting started is no piece of cake, so this is where kubefirst, a free and open-source tool, comes to the rescue. In this workshop, Fred will show you how to use our CLI to deploy a new Kubernetes cluster in minutes, with the most popular cloud-native tools. We will deploy a new cluster locally using k3d & Docker (see prerequisites), and we will explore its pieces. Since your new cluster is already fully functional, we will discuss the GitOps principles with your new "source of truth repository”, use Terraform with Atlantis, add a new user using HashiCorp Vault, surf the Argo CD sync waves, and master the magic steps to deploy a new application in the cloud. You can't miss this, we'll have some K8s fun! 

Fred, what are you preparing for, meet me here

Target Audience

Developers, DevOps practitioners, Cloud Native enthusiasts, Kubernetes curious & anyone interested in creating a production-ready Kubernetes cluster or wanting to know more about kubefirst.

Experience Level

Beginners are primarily targeted to people new to Kubernetes, but anyone with cloud-native experience who wants to know more about Kubefirst will find this relevant.


60 minutes step-by-step workshop.


We will create a local Kubernetes cluster using k3d. Follow the instructions from the kubefirst documentation to prepare your computer with the prerequisites for the workshop. It’s simple, and will save us some time to focus on the good stuff. 


  • Frédéric Harper


    Principal Developer Advocate


  • Saim Safdar

    Cloud Native Islamabad




Thursday, June 15, 2023
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM (UTC)


Intro of speaker and workshop
Local kubernetes cluster
Terraform & Atlantis
Vault & SSO
Argo CD
Wrapping up


  • Saim Safder

    Co-Founder Cloud Native Islamabad