Meet us in Salt Lake City for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA · November 12-15
How to Infrastructure as Code with Pulumi Dec 8, 2022, 5:00 – 7:00 PM (UTC)
Virtual event
About this event In this session, we will discover Pulumi. What is Pulumi? How does the ecosystem and toolchain looks like and most important: The benefits of using a high level programming languages. I also prepared a little demo, where we deploy a stack to AWS with Pulumi.
Engin Diri Pulumi
Community Engineer
See bio
Halil Bugol Kubezy
Co-Founder at Kubezy
Emin Alemdar Spacelift
Solutions Architect
Ali Ok Red Hat
Principal Software Engineer
Batuhan Apaydın Trendyol
Platform Engineer
Alp Kahvecioglu sufle
Cloud and Platform Engineer
Zehra Sabaz Kubermatic
Account Executive
Koray Oksay Kubermatic
Kubernetes Consultant
Ayşegül Akbaş Hepapi Teknoloji
Devops Engineer
Harun Eren Sat Kubezy
SA at Kubezy
Metehan Topalhan TurkNet
DevOps Enginner
Onur Canoğlu Hexaworks
DevOps Engineer
Ugur Kazdal Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Solutions Architect
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This event will start on Dec 8, 8:00 PM (+03)
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