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Kubernetes Community Days Italy 2023

KCD Italy

Jun 16, 2023, 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM (UTC)

In-person event

KCD Italy è l'evento in persona della community Kubernetes italiana dedicato al Cloud Native. Salite a bordo per condividere know-how, esperienze e successi e per far crescere la comunità CNCF.

About this event

KCD Italy (#kcditaly) è un evento supportato dalla CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation) organizzato dalla community italiana di Kubernetes che ha come obiettivo la diffusione della conoscenza e la creazione di spazi di condivisione e confronto su tutti i temi open source e Cloud Native.

Questa edizione del Kubernetes Community Day Italy sarà finalmente in persona e si terrà il 16 giugno 2023 alle Officine del Volo a Milano.

Condivideremo know-how, storie ed esperienze (non necessariamente di successo) di grandi professionisti, figure emergenti, appassionati del mondo Cloud-Native ed evangelist di varia estrazione. Vogliamo coinvolgere un sempre maggior numero di developer e architect con diversi livelli di professionalità per far crescere la comunità CNCF. Dopo il KCD non perdetevi i Meetup nei mesi a venire!

I talk saranno per il 50% circa in Italiano.

KCD Italy (#kcditaly) is an event supported by the CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation) organised by the Italian Kubernetes community whose goal is to spread knowledge and create spaces for sharing and comparison on all open source and Cloud Native topics.

This edition of Kubernetes Community Day Italy will finally be in person and will be held on 16 June 2023 at Officine del Volo in Milan.

We will share know-how, stories and experiences (not necessarily successful) of great professionals, emerging figures, Cloud-Native enthusiasts and evangelists of various backgrounds. We want to involve more and more developers and architects with different levels of professionalism to grow the CNCF community. After the KCD, don't miss the Meetups in the months to come!

About 50% of the talks will be in Italian.

Gli hashtag ufficiali: #kcditaly #kcditaly2023 #CNCF #teamcloudnative

A chi è destinato e perché - Whom is this event for and why?

KCD Italy è un evento rivolto a developer, architects, engineers, DevOps, Ops, IT professionals, in generale alla community di Kubernetes e a chiunque sia entusiasta di tutto ciò che è Cloud Native. Si pone l’obiettivo di espandere la community italiana per renderla sempre più aperta e inclusiva e trasformarla in un punto di riferimento per orientarsi in una landscape CNCF in rapida evoluzione.


KCD Italy is an event aimed at developers, architects, engineers, DevOps, Ops, IT professionals and technologists, in general at the Kubernetes community and anyone who is enthusiastic about everything Cloud Native. It aims to expand the Italian community to make it more and more open and inclusive and to transform it into a point of reference in a rapidly evolving CNCF landscape.

CfP - Call for Papers

Per quest'anno la CfP è chiusa, ma se ti interessa proporre un talk e non perdere l’occasione di salire sul palco del Kubernetes Community Day Italy  della prossima edizione, seguici sui social per non perderti le date! 

  • Opened January 11, 2023 - 00:00 CET
  • Closed February 26, 2023 - 23:59 CET
  • Notification March 2023


CfP is closed for this year, but if you're interested in proposing a talk and don't miss the opportunity to take the stage at the Kubernetes Community Day Italy next year, follow us on social to make sure you don't miss the dates!

  • Opened January 11, 2023 - 00:00 CET
  • Closed February 26, 2023 - 23:59 CET
  • Notification March 2023

Sponsorship edizione 2023

KCD Italy è un evento organizzato dalla community ed interamente non-profit. Ma ha bisogno di sostegno. Volete essere tra gli sponsor?  Qui il prospetto. AGGIORNAMENTO DI MAGGIO: NOVITÀ PER I BRONZE!

Do you wish to become a sponsor? Here is the sponsorship prospect. MAY UPDATE: NEWS FOR THE BRONZE TIER!

Code of Conduct

I Kubernetes Community Days prevedono il rispetto della Code of Conduct della Linux Foundation in linea con il Codice di Condotta della CNCF . Consigliamo a tutti i partecipanti di darne una lettura prima della partecipazione all’evento.

The Kubernetes Community Days are compliant with the Linux Foundation's Code of Conduct in line with the CNCF's Code of Conduct. We recommend that all participants read it before attending the event.


Per ulteriori informazioni, potete raggiungere il team degli organizzatori a questo indirizzo

For further information, reach out and contact us at


  • Andrea Panisson


    Cloud Native Engineer

  • Paolo Mainardi



  • Francesco Beltramini


    Security Engineering Manager

  • Marco De Benedictis


    Cloud Native Security Engineer

  • Davide Bianchi

    Mia Platform

    Senior Tech Lead

  • Anna Deppi

    Red Hat

    Senior Manager - Global Sales and Services Organization

  • Alessandro Affinito


    Senior DevOps Eng

  • Jose Blanquicet


    Software Engineer

  • Daniel Oh

    Red Hat

    Senior Principal Developer Advocate

  • Diego Braga

    Kiratech S.p.A.

    Cloud Native Solution Architect

  • Luigi Fugaro


    Solution Architect

  • Martino Fornasa

    Independent Consultant & Strategic Advisor | DevOps and Cloud Native

  • Michele Zanotti


    Software Engineer

  • Kevin Dubois

    Red Hat

    Principal Developer Advocate

  • Gabriele Bartolini


    Vice President/CTO of Cloud Native and Kubernetes

  • Natale Vinto

    Red Hat

    Developer Advocate

  • Eleonora Peruch

    Red Hat

    Junior Solution Architect

  • Fabrizio Pandini


    Staff Engineer

  • Zlatko Bratkovic

    HAProxy Technologies

    Software Engineer, Team lead ( Go )


  • Serena Sensini

    Dedalus Italia Spa

    Enterprise Architect

  • Michela Bertaina


    Community Program Manager



Friday, June 16, 2023
7:30 AM – 6:00 PM (UTC)


  • Adriano Pezzuto



  • Jacopo Nardiello

