Whether you are a developer, ops pro, system engineer, or any other IT professional excited about cloud native technologies, the Kubernetes Community Days DC (KCD DC) will have something for you. This full-day conference will focus on knowledge sharing, best practices, and new developments in and around Kubernetes.
Thank you sponsors, speakers, attendees, volunteers, organizers and CNCF staff for making our KCD 2022 such a great success. Here are links to our presentations for those who missed out or for attendees who want to re-live our exciting agenda.
Recordings available in this playlist on our YouTube channel:
Speaker slides available on SlideShare:
Read our retrospective on the event:
Whether you are a developer, ops pro, system engineer, or any other IT professional excited about cloud native technologies, the Kubernetes Community Days DC (KCD DC) will have something for you. Supported by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation the event will be hosted at the historic national head quarters of the American Red Cross in DC. This full-day conference will focus on knowledge sharing, best practices, and new developments in and around Kubernetes.
About the Venue
We're proud to be meeting at historic Red Cross Square, the National Headquarters of the American Red Cross. All activities will be held in the building on E Street facing the North side of Red Cross Square. This building is dedicated with the words "IN MEMORY OF THE HEROIC WOMEN OF THE WORLD WAR" on the frieze above the main entrance. During the event, you will have an opportunity to donate blood in the Dr. Charles H. Drew Blood Donation Center on the garden level of our venue and/or join a private 30-minute tour of the Red Cross archives which includes a visit to our famous Tiffany windows, a special exhibit on Red Cross during WWI, and a permanent exhibit of Clara Barton's Civil War field kit and personal effects. Read more about Red Cross history.
For blood donations, please make an appointment in advance as walk-in appointments are limited. Search by zip code 20006, select Dr. Charles H. Drew Blood Donation Center and filter results for the dates you'll be on-site.
For joining the tour, simply respond "Yes" when prompted during online event registration.
Code of Conduct
The Kubernetes Community Days are dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for participants at all of our events. We encourage all submitters to review the complete CNCF Code of Conduct. If you have any questions, please contact our team at organizers-dc@kubernetescommunitydays.org.
COVID-19 GUIDELINES: In keeping with CNCF’s Health & Safety Policy for KubeCon 2022, we require that all attendees wear a mask unless presenting or eating. Masks must be worn over the nose and mouth and must be made of a tight-knit, non-permeable material. KN95 or N95 masks are recommended. Cloth masks are acceptable. Bandanas, scarves, and gators are not permitted to be used as masks. Masks and hand-sanitizers will be provided as needed.
Can’t wait until September 14th? Join our Kubernetes meetup group (https://community.cncf.io/washington-dc/) and our slack channel (#meetup-dc) on Kubernetes Slack workspace to learn from and network with your peers.
Community Program Manager
Marketing & Member Programs
G-Research Open Source
Open Source Developer
Tremolo Security, Inc.
Software Supply Chain Architect
Rancher Government Solutions
Chief Architect
Developer Advocate/Architect
Solution Engineer
Engineering Manager Kubernetes
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
1:00 PM – 11:00 PM (UTC)
American Red Cross
Head, Digital Transformation
Freewheel / Comcast
Principal Engineer
OSS Developer
American Red Cross
Governance & Strategy | CNCF Ambassador
Solutions Architect
Freewheel / Comcast
Principal Engineer
Aurora Solar
Custom Ink
Senior Operations Engineer
Solutions Architect
FreeWheel, Inc
Sr. Site Reliability Engineer
Amazon Web Services
Sr. Containers Specialist Solutions Architect