Jainam Shah, a GSoC contributors in Keptn, will present his project: "k6 Integration Service for Keptn". We will also have a short k6 overview.
Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is a global, online program focused on bringing new contributors into open source software development. GSoC contributors work with an open source organization on a summer programming project under the guidance of mentors. GSoC contributors accepted into the program work on projects to improve or enhance the Keptn project and its ecosystem. During the mid-term evaluation our mentees will present their projects. In this session Jainam Shah, a GSoC contributors in Keptn, will present her project: "k6 Integration Service for Keptn".
K6 is an open-source tool widely used for load testing. With Keptn’s Quality gates, we can automate the process of evaluating the results of the test and also monitor them. Keptn already supports JMeter, Locust, Litmus Chaos, and others. This project will enable users to use K6 for performance testing. Further goals include adding SLI and SLO compliance using Prometheus which K6 supports natively.
More about Keptn in GSoC and the projects: https://github.com/keptn/community/blob/main/mentorship/gsoc/2022/projects/k6-integration-service/README.md
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