Keptn mid-term GSoC Demos - Integrations for GitOps-based Deployment Tools: ArgoCD and Flux

Keptn Community

Jul 27, 2022, 1:30 – 2:15 PM (UTC)

Virtual event

Meha Bhalodiya, a GSoC contributors in Keptn, will present her project: "Integrations for GitOps-based Deployment Tools: ArgoCD and Flux

About this event

Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is a global, online program focused on bringing new contributors into open source software development. GSoC contributors work with an open source organization on a summer programming project under the guidance of mentors. GSoC contributors accepted into the program work on projects to improve or enhance the Keptn project and its ecosystem. During the mid-term evaluation our mentees will present their projects. In this session Meha Bhalodiya, a GSoC contributors in Keptn, will present her project: "Integrations for GitOps-based Deployment Tools: ArgoCD and Flux".

To be able to use GitOps tools in combination with Keptn. The main goal of this project is to find a proper way how the tools could interact with Keptn and to build an integration for such tools. Deployment tools can be integrated via the helm-service or via the job-executor service. Currently, there’s no way to integrate GitOps Tools in Keptn. This project aims to provide a way such that such tools can be integrated into Keptn return deployment states after the state has been synced.

More about Keptn in GSoC and the projects:


  • Meha Bhalodiya


    GSoC Contributor


  • Oleg Nenashev

    Dynatrace, CDF, Jenkins/Keptn

    OSPO at Dynatrace, CDF TOC Chair


  • Andreas Grabner


    Keptn Advocate & Maintainer

  • Giulia Di


    Content & Community Manager

  • Alois Reitbauer

    Keptn Maintainer

  • Johannes Bräuer


    Keptn Maintainer

  • Giovanni Liva


    Keptn Maintainer

  • Meg McRoberts


    Keptn Docs WG, Dynatrace

  • Brad McCoy

    Kubernetes 1.28 Comms Lead

    CNCF Ambassador

  • David Hirsch


    OSPO Program Manage

  • Stacey Potter


    Community manager

  • Moritz Wiesinger

    Senior Software Engineer & Agile Advocate


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