Meet us in London for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 1 - 4 April

Meetup #2: How to Be Good Kubernetes Citizen & Role-based Access in Kubernetes

Cloud Native Krakow

Oct 18, 2018, 4:00 – 6:00 PM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

First talk (Kubernetes citizen) will be in Polish, second one (role based access control) will be in English.


Talk #1: “How to Be Good Kubernetes Citizen” by Maciek Olesinski (talk in Polish)

In recent years, Kubernetes has been growing in popularity. The number of applications deployed on Kubernetes is increasing drastically. But what can be done to be sure that our services are healthy and working as expected? How can we be sure that we are not overwhelming K8s with faulty deployment? How can we diagnose failing container? What are the best practices? We will answer these and other questions during this talk.

Maciej Olesiński — software engeneer & DevOps at VirtusLab. Experienced both with AWS and Kubernetes. Member of team which is currently running production grade Kubernetes clusters for one of the largest retailer in the world.

Technically speaking — right person to talk about rocket science. Also Blizzard’s games enthusiast. His life motto is: “Be like water”.


Talk #2: “Understanding (finally!) Role-based Access Control in Kubernetes” by Javier J. Salmeron

One of the major Kubernetes achievements, was enabling Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) policies. This allowed to finally proper administer a Kubernetes cluster in production environments. While everyone welcomed this feature with excitement, it also created innumerable frustrated users. This talk will explain the how to properly work with Users, Roles, Rolebindings and ServiceAccounts. We will also show the consequences of having incorrect RBAC rules set up in the case of Helm’s Tiller.

Javier J. Salmeron has a PhD in Computer Science, with 6 years of experience working with different cloud environments: Openstack, AWS, GKE, Kubernetes. Currently an Engineer in Bitnami, is the coordinator of the Bitnami Kubernetes training, which prepares for the CKAD and CKA Kubernetes certifications. He also works on packaging open source applications for all major clouds and Kubernetes platforms.



Thursday, October 18, 2018
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM (UTC)


  • Paweł Piwosz


    Developer Advocate

  • Maciej Gołaszewski



  • Wojciech Kocjan


    SRE / DevOps Consultant