SAVE THE DATE: October 7 (Monday), 2019 in Krakow, Poland. is a free side event to conference.
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QuantumSphere is a meetup entirely about quantum computing.
1. Quantum computers in the cloud – myths and facts
In common perception, quantum computers are a good topic for scientific magazine article rather than something that may affect us directly. The reason is that only couple of technology institutes are equipped with them. That gives a chance to play around only to narrow group of scientist.
But last year first quantum computers became available in the cloud for every passionate around the world. That creates great acceleration for research and raises anticipation for increased progress in this are. As a result, quantum computers may evolve from pure curiosity, to something every professional shall be familiar with
There are a lot of speculation about the future. Are quantum chipsets going to replace classic ones in everyday use or will stay in scientific laboratories? How they can change our approach to encryption and cyber security world – are there more opportunities or threats?
During this talk, I’ll try to answer these questions providing basic concepts of quantum computing topic. I’ll present problems that can actually be solved with this technology and as well as popular myths around this topic.
Paweł Tomasik is a technical lead in Motorola Solutions working for couple of years with cloud products
In private life husband and father of two children in continuous effort to strike the right balance between professional and family engagement.
Everyday work focused on joining business and technical perspectives for ‘good software’ definition. Willing to share the knowledge by leading workshops and talks. Concentrated on promotion the holistic perception on application product as a combination of code, platform, marketing and business and customer relations.
Before starting a professional career, passionate about physics and member of national representation for IPhO. Later on pivoted to “higher levels” of engineering: electronics, robotics, and finally Java and .NET.
This background makes quantum computing technology close as it joins elementary physics world with modern programming.
2. Quantum computer…but how do I program it?
Quantum computers not only promise new computational capabilities, but also introduce new programming paradigm. Let’s check what it means from a software developer’s perspective. We’ll use Qiskit to program IBM’s quantum computer available today in a cloud to demonstrate the concepts. You may need this sooner than you expect 😉
Tomasz Stopa works in IBM Software Lab in Kraków, Poland. He obtained his PhD in Physics from AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków. With a background in theoretical solid-state physics he moved to software development many years ago 😉 Currently works as a development manager in software asset management space. He is an IBM-Q Ambassador and IBM Master Inventor with many IT-related patents and publications.
Monday, October 7, 2019
4:30 PM – 6:30 PM (UTC)