Aug 14, 2018, 10:00 PM – Aug 15, 2018, 1:00 AM (UTC)
Salut! Bon été à tous.
Nous allons fêter le 4e anniversaire de Kubernetes avec des super présentations. Si vous n'êtes pas en vacances (ou même si vous l'êtes!), venez célébrer avec nous!
Merci à Lightspeed de nous accueillir.
Hello! Happy summer.
We are celebrating Kubernetes 4th birthday with some great talks. If you're not on vacation (or even if you are!), join us for some fun.
Thanks to Lightspeed for hosting us.
Talk 1: Kubernetes 1.11 by Archy
Talk #2: Where the Helm are your binaries? by Baruch Sadogursky at JFrog
Do you always know what’s going on with your product artifacts since the moment they are built by the CI server from Git sources all the way to being deployed by Helm into Kuberenetes?
In this talk, we will show how to build a reliable and transparent pipeline from code to cluster using Git, Artifactory, Docker, Kubernetes, and Helm. We’ll show how you such a pipeline can help you answer the the big questions: What to deploy, What is deployed, and what is this artifact that I am looking for. This kind of transparency is critical for today’s environments, and Kubernetes with Helm shouldn’t be an exception.
Talk 3: PostgreSQL - Operating at Scale on Kubernetes by Jonathan Katz at Crunchy Data Solutions
This talk will provide an overview of the postgres-operator open source project which enables PostgreSQL container orchestration on Kubernetes. Features, architecture, and a demonstration of features will be presented. The postgres-operator automates the deployment of PostgreSQL clusters using the Kubernetes API.
Talk 4: Using Traefik with Boulder to provide E2E TLS by Daniel Tomcej at Containous
This talk will discuss using Traefik with Boulder to provide end to end TLS (from the client to the pod), automatically, in your development environment.
August 14 – 15, 2018
10:00 PM – 1:00 AM (UTC)