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Q3 Meetup (Birthday Party!): GKE, Ingress & Vault

Cloud Native Montréal

Jul 18, 2017, 10:00 PM – Jul 19, 2017, 12:30 AM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

Bonjour à tous ! 

Nous vous invitons au prochain meetup et fête du 2e anniversaire de Kubernetes. Nous avons trois super présentations cette fois (ainsi que des cupcakes !). 

Merci beaucoup à Google pour la commandite de cet évènement.

Join us for our next meetup and 2nd birthday celebration. We have 3 awesome talks lined up (plus cupcakes!).

Talk #1: 

Preparing GKE for production by Patrick Lecuyer, Google

This talk will describe a blueprint and methodology for onboarding workloads more securely, reliably, and cost-effectively to Google Container Engine, with a focus on resource grouping and configuration of administrative and network access to clusters.

Talk #2:

Handling ingress traffic for K8s hosted micro-services, by Jean-François Nadeau, Ticketmaster

This presentation dives into several solutions to direct external inbound traffic to your Kubernetes PODs. We'll look at how services are implemented, how the load balancing mechanisms differ and how you can build your own solution to meet your needs.

Talk #3:

Hashicorp Vault concepts and usage in Kubernetes, by Jean-Philippe Bélanger from AppDirect

Introduction to Vault: implementing, using and concepts of a secret management system. With current complex architecture and multiplication of components, we have to manage more and more secrets. With passwords, keys and even temporary accesses, they can be impossible to track down and manage properly. Vault allows us to move the ownership and control over to Vault, taking care of securing, storing and controlling access of each of those resources. We will also take a look at how we can integration the use of Vault and Consul to externalize a pod's configuration and secrets thru dynamic injection. 



July 18 – 19, 2017
10:00 PM – 12:30 AM (UTC)




    Lead organizer

  • Anthony Dahanne



  • Alexandre Gervais


    Principal Software Engineer

  • Frederic Medery

