Dec 4, 2019, 11:00 PM – Dec 5, 2019, 2:00 AM (UTC)
⎈ Kubecon San Diego Recap, ArgoCD, Gov Cloud, CNCF year in recap ⎈
We are happy to be back and organizing the last CNCF event of 2019! Come join us and get news about KubeCon or share your experience if you went. Learn about the latest news in CNCF, Kubernetes 1.16 & 1.17, Istio 1.3 and 1.4, Helm 3. As usual, we are trying to get great speakers from around the world and will be happy to have users speaking at our Meetup too.
If you want to share your story, submit your CFP here:
18:00 - 18:15 Registration
18:15 - 18:45 Kubecon Recap, CNCF, Kubernetes, Helm, Istio year in recap! by CNCF Ambassador
18:45 - 19:30 Modern DevOps with Spinnaker and State of the Kubernetes Provider by Olga Kundzich Spinnaker Product Manager
19:30 - 20.15 Designing a complete CI-CD pipeline using Argo Events, Workflow and CD projects by Julian Mazzitelli by CTO BioBox
20:15 - 21.00 TBD (Moving from Legacy Infrastructure to the Cloud in a Government Organization - Chris Carty, City Of Ottawa)
🙏 Big thanks to Ecobee for hosting us.
Modern DevOps with Spinnaker and State of the Kubernetes Provider
Product Manager for Spinnaker project @Pivotal
Spinnaker is a Continuous Delivery platform developed by Netflix. It’s OSS and has a lot of CD best practices built-in including blue/green deployments, automated canary analysis, up-to-date inventory of apps, integration with monitoring. We will consider deployments across Kubernetes clusters.
Moving from Legacy Infrastructure to the Cloud in a Government Organization
Senior Systems Developer/Integrator, @City Of Ottawa
Twitter: @macintoshPrime
Cloud native tech isn’t just for start-ups. But, if you’re in a government organization looking to go cloud native, you can expect to face extra challenges. How can you select the best tools that will work with the processes you already have? What new skills are needed? How do you train staff? How to get anyone to actually use the framework once it’s in place? How to even start?
The City of Ottawa (yes the capital of Canada) was an organization that started applying DevOps practices just a few years ago. It now has a Kubernetes platform with fully automated CICD pipelines being used by multiple teams and growing. Using The City as a case study, we will examine the common issues faced by government organizations and how The City developed workable solutions on its cloudnative journey.
Designing a complete CI-CD pipeline using Argo Events, Workflow and CD projects
CTO BioBox - “bioinformatics as a service” on cloud-native technologies
Twitter: @thejmazz
Are you looking to get more flexibility out of your CICD platform? Interested how GitOps fits into the mix? Learn how Argo CD, Workflows, and Events can be combined to craft custom CICD flows. All while staying Kubernetes native, enabling you to leverage existing observability tooling.
December 4 – 5, 2019
11:00 PM – 2:00 AM (UTC)