Dec 5, 2018, 11:00 PM – Dec 6, 2018, 2:00 AM (UTC)
We are rounding off a great year with a meetup! We are super happy to be presenting our final meetup before Kubecon in Seattle and upcoming holidays.
Thanks to Pivotal for making this possible by hosting us.
Talk # 1 - CNCF Update and K8s 1.12 by Archy (CNCF Ambassador) [20 min]
Talk # 2 - Overview of Knative
Talk given by Nader Ziada and Shash Reddy, contributors on the knative project.
Knative is a new open source project started by engineers from Google, Pivotal, and other industry leaders. It’s a collection of components that extend Kubernetes. It includes three major parts: Serving, Build, and Eventing.
[25 mins]
Talk # 3 - Cross Environment Service Discovery Made Easy with Consul/Consul Connect
Presented by Raymond Kao, Open Source Data Solutions Lead & Azure Global Black Belt at Microsoft.
Many modern applications are great candidates for making the move to microservices on K8s, but what about apps that aren't or can't be moved to K8s? In this talk we'll see how we can still take advantage of k8s like service discovery and service mesh benefits such as security with Hashicorp's Consul/Consul Connect with services running inside a managed K8s cluster (AKS) with services which live in in a "plain-old" VM cluster.
[60 mins]
December 5 – 6, 2018
11:00 PM – 2:00 AM (UTC)