Let's talk Kubernetes and CNCF tech trends, tips and tricks, and hear user stories at Netum's offices in Tampere.
NOTE: Please don't sign up here. We've limited the sign up process to only the organizers as we want to track all the RSVPs in one place at the Kubernetes Tampere meetup.
PLEASE SIGN UP HERE: https://www.meetup.com/Kubernetes-Tampere/events/258970382/
If you are interested to speak please check fill our CFP form:
Livestream link to be announced later
To be announced later
Don't forget we have a Swag table!
You can bring your company's or favorite project's swag there for exchange within the group ;)
Netum provides the food, drinks and venue for the evening, thanks!
Let's have a fun evening and meet at Netum!
Thursday, April 4, 2019
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM (UTC)