6:30 - Networking/Socializing
7:00 - General announcements and news
7:15 - Gary Hutchins, Solutions Architect @ Sysdig
Kubernetes Runtime Security with Falco
As DevOps teams ramp Kubernetes in production, their responsibilities expand beyond monitoring, capacity management and troubleshooting to include security and compliance. Teams are looking to merge these two functions into a single secure DevOps workflow. It’s time to think about runtime security and compliance requirements in the context of cloud native platforms.
In this talk, you will learn about detecting abnormal behavior and validate compliance in your running Kubernetes workloads using Falco, a CNCF project for runtime security. You will also learn how Sysdig Secure extends the Falco detection engine, offering the industry’s first K8s-native threat prevention and incident response tool.
If you are interested in speaking at a future event, please reach out to us via meetup.com or emailing [masked] .
If you have Kubernetes related news to share or topic requests, please create an issue on our meetups repo: https://github.com/k8satl/meetups
Please check in with security upon arrival. Due to security requirements at the site, any attendee not RSVPed 24 hours before the event will have a slightly longer check in process, so please try to RSVP ahead of time.
Sponsors: SalesLoft
Thursday, February 27, 2020
12:00 AM – 2:00 AM (UTC)