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Kubernetes Atlanta January Meetup

Cloud Native Atlanta

Jan 29, 2020, 11:30 PM – Jan 30, 2020, 1:30 AM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

6:30 - Networking/Socializing

7:00 - General announcements

7:05 - Christian Posta, Global Field CTO @

Kubernetes Ingress to Service Mesh - Microservices Traffic Patterns

Kubernetes users need to allow traffic to flow into and within the cluster. Treating the application traffic separately from the business logic allows presents new possibilities in how service to service traffic is served, controlled and observed — and provides a transition to intra cluster networking like Service Mesh. With microservices, there is a concept of both North / South traffic (incoming requests from end users to the cluster) and East / West (intra cluster) communication between the services. In this talk we will explain how Envoy Proxy works in Kubernetes as a proxy for both of these traffic directions and how it can be leveraged to do things like traffic shaping, security, and integrate the north/south to east/west behavior.

Christian Posta (@christianposta) is Global Field CTO at, former Chief Architect at Red Hat, and well known in the community for being an author (Istio in Action, Manning, Istio Service Mesh, O'Reilly 2018, Microservices for Java Developers, O’Reilly 2016), frequent blogger, speaker, open-source enthusiast and committer on various open-source projects including Istio, Kubernetes, and many others. Christian has spent time at both enterprises as well as web-scale companies and now helps companies create and deploy large-scale, cloud-native resilient, distributed architectures. He enjoys mentoring, training and leading teams to be successful with distributed systems concepts, microservices, devops, and cloud-native application design.

--- is sponsoring a raffle for three copies of Christian's book, Istio In Action. Please sign up here if you will be attending and would like to be included in the raffle:


If you are interested in speaking at a future event, please reach out to us via or emailing [masked] .

Please check in with security upon arrival. Due to security requirements at the site, any attendee not RSVPed 24 hours before the event will have a slightly longer check in process, so please try to RSVP ahead of time.

Sponsors:, SalesLoft



January 29 – 30, 2020
11:30 PM – 1:30 AM (UTC)


  • Alex Barnes

    Head of Cloud Infrastructure at Calendly

  • Joseph Searcy

    Staff Engineer at Intel