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Kubernetes Chaos Engineering Meetup

Kubernetes Chaos Engineering

Sep 19, 2020, 5:00 – 6:30 AM (UTC)

Virtual event

About this event

Hello and a very warm welcome to the LitmusChaos community. We are excited to announce our 10th meetup inviting SREs and Kubernetes developers from all around the world on the 19th of September at 10:30 AM IST/ 10 PM PST.

This is an online-only meetup and here, we would introduce you to the world of Chaos Engineering and guide you on how to do Chaos Engineering on your Kubernetes platform in a cloud-native way!



- Introducing cloud-native Chaos Engineering with LitmusChaos

(Prithvi) 10:30-10:45

- Demonstrating Litmus continuous probe extending Litmus probes (Shubham Chaudhary) 10:45-11:00

- Chaos Scheduler Enhancements (Sanjay Nathani) 11:00-11:15

- LitmusChaos Portal Flow (GD Soumya) 11:15-11:30

- Guest Talk 11:30 onwards

Keynote by Raghavendran Venkataramana (Senior Manager, Verizon


Rejuvenation of Kubernetes nodes using Chaos Engineering by

Shaik Jaffer Ummer (MTS IV Kubernetes Consultant at Verizon)


Are you an SRE or a Kubernetes developer? Do you long for a resilient system?

Then what are you waiting for? RSVP now and do join this meetup!

Joining link:

Feel free to ask any questions, join our community for more insights:


  • Umasankar Mukkara

    Lead Organizer

  • Prithvi Raj


    Lead Organizer

  • Ajesh Baby
