K8S & CNCF Bulgaria December Meetup

Cloud Native Sofia

Dec 12, 2018, 5:00 – 7:00 PM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

Dear Members,

Our schedule for the next meetup is ready. You can find it below.
Thanks to Leanplum's team for providing place, food & drinks.


19:00 - 19:10 - Welcome Note
19:10 - 19:50 - Striving for zero-downtime changes - Dimitar Dimitrov
19:50 - 20:30 - Bootstraping Kubernetes in a seconds - Spas Atanasov
20:30 - 21:00 - Q&A
21:00 - TCP Networking

About Speakers:
Dimitar (or Mitio for short) is currently leading the infrastructure & platform team at Receipt Bank. He's a "full stack" developer with over 15 years of experience and takes an interest in all levels of the stack. Lately he's been focusing more on backend and infrastructure as his team at Receipt Bank is responsible for the systems' reliability and scalability, as well as internal dev tools.

Spas Atanasov is a YAML Engineer part of RecieptBank. He is passionate about Containers & Kubernetes and one of the Co-Organizers of K8S & CNCF Bulgaria. Working with Kubernetes since 2015 and he's running multiple production environments. In his free time he enjoys researching for new technologies to benchmark, performance tunnings and different approaches.

Are you passionate to share your experience with Kubernetes at our next events? Please submit you talk proposition here: https://goo.gl/TfVEMc



Wednesday, December 12, 2018
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM (UTC)


  • Orlin Vasilev


    CNCF Ambassador

  • Vladimir Dimov

    DevOps At Work


  • Spas Atanasov

