K8S & CNCF Bulgaria September Meetup


Sep 12, 2018, 4:00 – 6:00 PM

In-person event

About this event

Dear Members,

Our schedule for the next meetup is ready. You can find it below.
Thanks to VMware's team for providing place, food & drinks.


19:00 - 19:10 - Welcome Note
19:10 - 19:50 - Kubernetes Multitenancy - Alessandro Pilotti
19:50 - 20:30 - Dreaming about Kubernetes for years - Spas Atanasov
20:30 - 21:00 - Q&A
21:00 - Networking

About Talks:

Kubernetes Multitenancy

The way most users deploy Kubernetes these days is as fully isolated clusters in a bunch of VMs and assorted resources on some cloud.

Why does this happen? unlike VMs, containers are not secure: cgroups and namespaces are not meant to provide complete isolation. Various efforts exist to solve this issue by deploying tiny VMs for each pod (e.g. Kata containers) and thus benefitting from HW virtualization (vt-x, AMD-v, etc).

Compared to general purpose virtualization projects (e.g. QEMU), we have a narrow set of requirements:

Security first: jails, device process isolation, etc
Passthrough / DDA: no emulation
Performance (the target is to boot pods in < 1s)
Modularity: no monolithic executables

Since no existing project matched them, we started a new one (drumroll...) named Insula (Latin for island and thus isolation), which we will introduce and demo in this session!

Dreaming about Kubernetes for years

Spas will share with us his experience in ReceiptBank with Kubernetes from lab to prod in three directions:

- how we started
- where we are
- where we intend go

In this talk all attendees will see different approaches for:

- using Kubernetes for QA & Demo
- daily dev process in/with kubernetes
- having a production ready kubernetes cluster

About Speakers:

Alessandro Pilloti is a CEO of Cloudbase Solutions, a company focused on cloud computing interoperability, contributing in particular the OpenStack Windows and Hyper-V components and the Open vSwitch support for Hyper-V and Windows Containers. Alessandro is a Microsoft Cloud and Datacenter Management MVP and a regular speaker at the OpenStack Summits and many other cloud related events. In the spare time, he enjoys flying with his paraglider into old fashioned clouds.

Spas Atanasov is a YAML Engineer part of RecieptBank. He is passionate about Containers & Kubernetes and one of the Co-Organizers of K8S & CNCF Bulgaria. Working with Kubernetes since 2015 and he's running multiple production environments. In his free time he enjoys researching for new technologies to benchmark, performance tunnings and different approaches.

Are you passionate to share your experience with Kubernetes at our next events? Please submit you talk proposition here: https://goo.gl/TfVEMc



Wednesday, September 12, 2018
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM UTC


  • Orlin Vasilev


    CNCF Ambassador

  • Vladimir Dimov

    DevOps At Work


  • Spas Atanasov

