Meet us in London for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 1 - 4 April

Kubernetes 101 Workshop using Minishift # 9

Cloud Native Pune

Sep 2, 2017, 5:00 – 8:00 AM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event


Due to tremendous interest shown for a Kubernetes workshop during last meetup, we have organized another Kubernetes 101 workshop on 02 Sept at RedHat.

We shall have multiple volunteers to help walk you through the scenarios and help in case of any issues. 

This is a basic kubernetes workshop, we shall cover following topics with hands-on exercises: 

• pods

• deployments

• services

• volumes

• configmaps

• secrets

• demo-application


As a pre-requisite, we need participants to have minishift installed on their laptops. The steps can be found here :

You should be able to run the command "minishift start" to successfully start a minishift instance on your laptop. If this works, you should be all set for the workshop. Run "minishift stop" to stop the cluster. We shall start it again during the workshop.

Looking forward to see you there.


  • Sagar Utekar

    VMWARE Software India Pvt. LTD.

    Site Reliability Engineer MTS2

  • Vipul Chaudhary


    Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)