Jun 18, 2019, 4:30 – 6:30 PM (UTC)
Giugno sarà il mese degli operator, ci aspettano due talk interessanti dove verrano affrontate diverse tematiche ma gestite tutte con l'uso di operator, di seguito l'elenco delle talk:
TITOLO: Running DBs in Kubernetes & the Autonomous Operator
by Denis Rosa
Abstract: Running Databases on Kubernetes,
Developers always expected databases to work out-of-the-box, but historically it is the exact opposite. With the recent features of Kubernetes, database providers can finally have more control over the infrastructure and automate most of the common maintenance operations. This automation allows them how to provide a DBaS-like experience within a Kubernetes cluster, but with much more flexibility and without any cloud provider Lock-in.
In this session, we will talk about what you should consider before running your database on Kubernetes, the do's and don’ts, what are the most popular database’s operators out there and a live demo of Couchbase’s Operator in action. At the end of this talk, we want to convince you that this is something you should start doing right away.
Speaker and Developer Advocate at Couchbase, he started programming even before the college and never stopped coding since then. He is a Java & NoSQL specialist, open source contributor, and an enthusiast of Microservices & Devops
TITOLO: Writing a Core Operator for OpenShift 4
by Antonio Murdaca
Say tomorrow is your first day in a new team focused on writing a core operator for OpenShift 4 and you don't have any real world experience writing something for Kubernetes or OpenShift. What would you do? In this talk, Antonio goes through the basics of Operators patterns and Kubernetes Controllers, with real-world experiences writing a core operator for OpenShift 4. You will learn the basics around Kubernetes Controllers, CRDs, and how all of this makes up a Core Operator. As an example he will discuss his recent work around the Machine Config Operator and what he learned coming from a different world.
Engineer @RedHat, working on containers and OpenShift, CRI-O lead developer and Docker maintainer.
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
4:30 PM – 6:30 PM (UTC)
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