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Kris Nova & Loris Degioanni: Runtime Security in Cloud Native (by Sysdig)

Cloud Native Milano

Jan 30, 2020, 6:00 – 8:00 PM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

Eccoci ad annunciare il prossimo meetup, in edizione "Straordinaria". Avremo due speaker veramente speciali: Kris Nova e Loris Degioanni che ci parleranno di Runtime Security in ambito Kubernetes.

Talk #1

TITLE: Spaghetti Silicon Valley - La storia del manipolo di italiani che hanno fatto Wireshark, Sysdig e Falco

Sapevi che Sysdig, una delle aziende leader nell’ecosistema di kubernetes, è stata fondata da un team tutto italiano? Che Falco, progetto Open Source appena passato in incubation nel CNCF, è sviluppato in Italia? Che, sempre lo stesso team, ha creato WinPcap e fondato l’azienda dietro a Wireshark? E poi ha fatto una delle exit italiane più importanti negli ultimi 10 anni? In questo talk ripercorrerai la loro storia grazie al racconto di uno dei protagonisti: Loris Degioanni, il fondatore di Sysdig. Il talk unirà tecnologia, aneddoti e le lezioni imparate durante il percorso che ha portato Loris da un paesino del piemonte alla Silicon Valley.

Loris Degioanni is the CTO and founder of Sysdig, the container security and monitoring platform. He is the creator of the popular open-source troubleshooting tool, Sysdig, and the open-source container security tool Falco. Prior to founding Sysdig, Loris co-created Wireshark, the open-source network analyzer, which today has 20+ million users. Loris holds a Ph.D. in computer engineering from Politecnico di Torino and lives in San Francisco, California.


Talk #2

TITLE: Kubernetes Runtime Security and why prevention isn't enough

In this talk we explore prevention and detection with regard to security in Kubernetes. The presentation is from the command line, and will feature a live exploit of a Kubernetes cluster using well known attack vectors and a fun game of capture the flag. We understand how both prevention and detection are relevant when it comes time to locking down a production Kubernetes cluster.

Kris Nova, Chief Open Source Advocate at Sysdig, focuses on security, intrusion detection, and the Linux kernel with Kubernetes and eBPF. As an active advocate for open source, Nova is an ambassador for the CNCF and the creator of kubicorn, a successful Kubernetes infrastructure management tool. Nova joins Sysdig from Heptio/VMWare, where she was a Senior Developer Advocate. Prior to VMWare, Nova was at Deis/Microsoft, where she was a developer advocate and an engineer on Kubernetes. Nova has a deep technical background in the Go programming language and has authored many successful open source tools in Go. Nova has organized many special interest groups in Kubernetes. She is a leader in the community. She understands the frustration with running cloud-native infrastructure via a distributed cloud-native application and authored an O’Reilly book on the topic, Cloud Native Infrastructure. Nova lives in Seattle and spends her free time climbing mountains.



Thursday, January 30, 2020
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM (UTC)


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