Nov 22, 2018, 6:00 – 8:00 PM
Ciao a tutti! Ci siamo! Tempo di annunciare ufficialmente il prossimo meetup: ci vedremo il 22 novembre presso la Microsoft House di viale Pasubio.
In questo incontro avremo come speaker d'eccezione Neil Stevenson, Solution Architects at Hazelcast. Ecco il programma della serata:
Talk #1
Titolo: Scaling And Using A Distributed Data Service [ENG]
What is Hazelcast ? What does it mean for Kubernetes ?
In this talk we'll look at Hazelcast, the world's fastest data grid. What this means in practice is it's a collection of containers that communicate with each other to share data hosting and compute services, and provide this to other services or the outside world.
So here the challenges are around connectivity and security obviously, and less obviously around data distribution to give the best resilience.
The talk will include a demo of Hazelcast that you can download and try for yourself.
A distributed data grid is the perfect place to start with Microservices.
Neil is a solution architect for Hazelcast, the leading operational data management company. In more than 25 years of work in IT, Neil has designed, developed and debugged a number of software systems for companies large and small.
Talk #2
Title: Diving into AKS
Durante questo talk inizieremo a guardare AKS, tutte le caratteristiche che ci mette a disposizione e come possiamo iniziare ad utilizzarlo in modo pratico per schedulare i nostri workload. Questa sarà una sessione esplorativa hands-on dove sviscereremo tutti i punti di forza (e le debolezze) del servizio gestito Kubernetes di Microsoft.
Speaker: Jacopo Nardiello
Jacopo è core organizer del Kubernetes & Cloud Native Milano Meetup, è CNCF Ambassador e founder di SIGHUP, startup specializzata in Kubernetes e infrastrutture Cloud Native.
Ci vediamo li!
Thursday, November 22, 2018
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM UTC
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