18 months of kubernetes in production and learning


May 9, 2019, 4:00 – 6:00 PM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

This time our friends at Meltwater will hold three talks. These talks will be presented at "Cloud_Native Rejekts" (pre-conference to KubeCon EU) in Barcelona May 18-19, but we will have the pleasure to listen to them a week in advance.

Doors opens at 17.30 so come and grab a bite and have a chat before the talks.

The presentations will be given in the following order
- Getting Developers to Adopt Your Service
- Knowing what your Kubernetes cluster is doing
- Zero downtime upgrades of Kubernetes

You can find more information about each talk below. If you're interested in the pre-conference, you can read more about it here https://cloud-native.rejekts.io


Title: Getting Developers to Adopt Your Service
Presenter: Jessica Andersson
Synopsis: Why should I use it?! Introducing new solutions, new technologies or new processes can meet resistance among your developers. Especially when it is a hyped technology such as Kubernetes.
Listen to what Jessica and her team learned while building Kubernetes as a Service for developers at Meltwater. How human challenges become technical choices, and how communication and education can achieve high adoption rate.
Duration: 30 min

Title: Knowing what your Kubernetes cluster is doing
Presenter: Federico Hernandez
Synopsis: While running Kubernetes in production, how do you know what the cluster is doing? In this talk Federico will show you how he and his team are using kube-state-metrics in combination with other exporters and logs to get insights into the multi-tenant Kubernetes cluster they run for 40+ development teams at Meltwater. He will focus on metrics for the higher level Kubernetes objects as well as the cloud environment they run the cluster in.
Duration: 30 min

Title: Zero downtime upgrades of Kubernetes
Presenter: Simone Sciarrati
Synopsis: The Kubernetes project releases a new version every 3 month as well as several bug fix releases in between. You need and want to upgrade your clusters. How do you do that with zero-downtime and no impact on your production workloads? In this lightning talk I will show how my team has come up with a procedure to upgrade a cluster and monitor the upgrade itself. In particular to avoid impact due to nodes becoming "Not Ready".
Duration: 5-10 min



Thursday, May 9, 2019
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM (UTC)


  • Jessica Andersson

    Leader of Platform Engineering, CNCF Ambassador

  • Peter Rosell


    Event Organizer

  • Edvin Norling


    DevOps Engineer

  • Anders Johansson

    Safespring AB

    Event Organizer

  • John Andreas Erlandsson

    Devies Cloud & Engineering


  • Alexander Lindeskär


  • Mikael Johansson Länsberg

    Etraveli Group AB

    Senior Site Reliability Engineer